You probably know all about the dangers of refined sugar. It rots your teeth, increases your risk of chronic disease, causes weight gain and much more. But quitting refined sugar doesn’t just allow you to avoid these adverse effects, it also allows you to enjoy a range of benefits. The list below highlights five of the top benefits you can enjoy by quitting refined sugar.
Enhanced Energy Levels
Refined sugar enters your bloodstream almost instantly which causes your energy levels to quickly surge and crash. When you start to reduce refined sugar, these fluctuations in energy levels will become a thing of the past and you’ll find that you generally have much more energy throughout the day. Not only does this help you feel great but it also makes you much more productive and allows you to perform all your daily tasks effectively.
Younger Looking Skin
One of the biggest negatives of consuming refined sugar is that it damages your skin in numerous ways.
First, it causes the collagen and elastin in your skin to become inflamed. These structural proteins help your skin stay firm and youthful looking. When they constantly become inflamed as a result of regularly eating large amounts of refined sugar, they become less effective which causes your skin to sag and wrinkles to form.
Second, the inflammation caused by eating sugar has been shown to aggravate various skin disorders including acne (a disorder characterized by red pimples on the skin) and rosacea (a skin disorder characterized by burning and redness).
When you stop eating refined sugar, you’ll also stop damaging your skin in the ways described above and you’ll find that it looks much smoother, more vibrant and youthful.
Easier Weight Loss
Sugar passes through the digestive system very quickly and because of this, foods that contain high levels of sugar aren’t as satiating as foods that contain minimal amounts of sugar. This means it’s much easier to overeat and consume large amounts of calories that lead to weight gain when you’re eating lots of refined sugar.
Quitting sugar will mean that you’ll feel much fuller every time you eat and naturally eat less food. Food cravings will come less often and because you’re consuming fewer calories, it will be much easier to lose weight.
Better Sleep
The energy surges and crashes caused by eating lots of refined sugar are very disruptive to your sleep patterns. They make it difficult to sleep and have a negative impact on your sleep quality when you do manage to fall asleep.
Cutting sugar out of your diet stops it wreaking havoc on your sleep cycles and allows you to enjoy restful, better quality sleep.
Stronger Immunity
Numerous studies have shown that refined sugar is a huge contributor to chronic disease. It causes inflammation in the body, damages your blood vessels and has a negative impact on your vital organs which leaves you open to a wide range of ailments, illness and diseases.
Reducing your intake of refined sugar stops it damaging your body in this way and allows it to heal. Not only does this make you less susceptible to ailments that are directly caused by refined sugar but it also boosts your overall immunity.
Try this Green Goddess Smoothie recipe to help make your skin look ageless!
6 oz of unsweetened nut milk
6 oz cold water
1 Tablespoon chia seeds
2 Tablespoons of lemon juice
1 serving of vanilla Juice Plus Complete+
1/2 ripe medium banana
1/2 avocado (peeled and pit removed)
1 cup of tightly packed spinach or kale
Put everything in a blender in order as listed.
Blend, pour in a glass and enjoy!
A not on the sugar in fruit. It’s important to keep in mind that the naturally occurring sugar found in fruit isn’t processed in your body the same way refined sugars are.
Go ahead and eat your fruit! Your body will thank you for it.
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